Dishwasher will not start

Firstly check that the plug has been inserted into the socket and the tap is switched on. Also make sure that you have set the appropriate controls on the dishwasher and switched it on.

You may find that the machine is not receiving electricity for another reason; a mains fuse may have tripped or the socket may be faulty. Try plugging other appliances into the socket to find out whether it works. You could also check the sockets elsewhere in your home or try the lights to establish whether a fuse has blown.

You should ensure that the dishwasher door is shut properly as this could also prevent it from starting.

If you have carried out all these checks and are still having problems, there could be another reason for the machine’s inactivity. For example, one of the electrical wires could be damaged or the motor could be faulty. In this case it is best to seek professional help from a qualified engineer.

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